PUCET(Punjab University MCA Entrance Exam)

NOTICE: Exam will be done on

What is PU-CET(PG)

PU-CET (PG) is an entrance exam conducted by Panjab University, Chandigarh for admission to its various post-graduate courses. Candidates who qualify PU-CET(PG ) will be able to secure admission to  LLM, MCA, MA in Journalism & Mass Communication, MA, MTech, MSc, MSc (Hons), MCom, MCom (Hons), MBA, MPed, and BPed programmes. The Application process for PU-CET (PG) will expectedly begin in the third week of April and the examination will be held in the second week of June.

All the important dates for PU-CET(PG) 2020 has been given below:

Date of Availability of PU–CET (P.G.) Prospectus and Application Form on the website of Panjab University 23-04-2020 (Thursday)
Last date for submission of information on the website to generate the Bank Challan 07-07-2020 ( Tuesday)
Last date for deposit of fee in any branch of State Bank of India using website generated challan 09-07-2020(Thursday) upto 4:00 p.m.
Last date for deposit of fee through Online mode 09-07-2020(Thursday)
Last date for uploading of photograph, signature with rest of the information on the website 11-07-2020 (Saturday)
Final date by which Roll No. will be available Online
Admit Card required to be downloaded from the website by the candidate using his/her own Login ID and Password provided while generating Bank Challan. There will be no physical communication for this purpose.
20-07-2020 (Monday)
Candidates who have not completed their form but have paid the requisite fee, can complete their form by paying late fee of Rs. 500/- 24-07-2020 (Friday)
Dates of holding Entrance Test 27-07-2020 & 28-07-2020 (Monday & Tuesday)
Centre for the Entrance test Chandigarh
Uploading of Answer Key (at http://exams.puchd.ac.in/show-noticeboard.php) and inviting Objections (through e-mail only to [email protected] ) 03-08-2020 (Monday) by 1:00 p.m.
Last date of submission of objections to the Answer Key 05-08-2020 (Wednesday) by 1:00 p.m.
Uploading of the response to the Objections and inviting Cross-objections (through e-mail only) 08-08-2020 (Saturday)
Last day of submission of Cross-objections to the Answer key 10-08-2020 (Monday)
Date and mode of declaration of result 14-08-2020 to 17-08-2020 (Friday to Monday)
Pattern for Master of Computer Applications MCA 3-Year Course and MCA
  • The test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall contain 75 Objective Type (Multiple choice questions with four responses i.e. A, B, C, & D) carrying one mark each
  • The questions will be based upon four components given below
Mathematics (10+2 level)40
Computer Science15
Reasoning & Aptitude10


Time: 30 minutes

Questions: 30

Marks: 30

This paper will have the topic of logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical reasoning, quantitative comparisons, series formation, arithmetic calculations such as profit and loss, interest, ratio, proportion, averages, etc.


Time: 30 minutes

Questions: 30

Marks: 30

This paper will cover the general awareness about international, national and regional events, current affairs related to science & technology, ecology, politics, sports, important personalities, books, and historical, politicaland geographical facts, etc.


Time: 30 minutes

Questions: 30

Marks: 30

This paper will have questions from English language and its usage such as choosing correct spellings, completion of sentences with suitable propositions/articles, word meaning, one word substitution, synonym, antonym, meaning of idioms and phrases, choosing correcting grammatical errors in a part of given sentence, filling the blanks with correct form of verb, objectives, adverbs, etc.


Time: 60 minutes

Questions: 60

Marks:- 60

Number System: Natural numbers, integers, rational numbers and real numbers, Complex numbers, real and imaginary parts.

Coordinate Geometry: Distance and Section formulae, location of line in, a plane, angle between two lines, parallel and perpendicul ar lines. Location of a circle, conic section, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.

Functions: Algebra of real functions and their graphs, polynomial and rational functions. One- one, onto and inverse functions.

Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions, addition formulae, trigonometrically ratios, Solutions of simple trigonometric equation.

Quadratic Equations and Inquations: Their solutions, roots of a quadratic equation, relationship between the roots and the co-efficient, nature of roots. Solution of quadratic in equations with their graphic representations.

Sequence and Series: AP, GP and their sums.

Matrices and Determinants: Types of matrices, rank of a matrix, determinant and its- properties, inverse of matrix, solution of linear equations having a single solution. Cramer’s rule.

Mathematical Operations: BODMAS

Algebra: Set theorem, permutations and combinations, binomial theorem.

Differential and Integral Calculus: Differentiation and integration of functions, limits and continuity of a function.

Statistics and Probability: Population and sample, measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation and regression (two variable cases). Probability on a discrete sample space, events, addition and multiplication theorems, conditional probability.


Time: 60 minutes

Questions: 60

Marks: 60

Computer Fundamentals: Simple model of a computer, components and their functions, concepts about bit, byte and words, storage device and input/output devices, machine languages, assembly language, high level language, problem solving, flowcharts, pseudo codes and algorithms, system software, application software, compilers, interpreters, assemblers. Types of computers.

Date Representation: Integer and floating point repres entation, codes (ASCII, EBCDIC, BCD).

Number System: Decimal, octal, hexadecimal, Binary arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Computer Architecture: Boolean algebra, organization of CPU, registers of CPU, interrupts, software and hardware, CPU bus architecture, data transfer schemes, fundamentals of parallel processing, type of memory.

Data Structures: Basic Data Structures: Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, graphs and trees traversals searching and sorting.

Operating System: Batch processing, on-line processing, multi- programming, time sharing, real time processing, introduction to operating system services, CPU scheduling algorithms, memory management schemes.

Introduction to Data Processing: Data types, constants, variables, records and files, data processing cycle.

Basic Concepts of Programming Languages: Binding, translators, software simulators, binding times, elementary and structured data types, object oriented programming: objects, classes, instances, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.

Overview of DBMS: Basic DBMS terminology, architecture of DBMS, distributed databases, data models, integrity, security, recovery and concurrency.

Computer Networks: Data communications fundamentals, types of communications, need for communication networks, characteristics of communication channels, computer network hardware and software. Reference models: TCP/IP, OSI and introduction to internet.

Software Engineering: Phases of SDLC, SRS, design methodologies (Structured design and object oriented design) testing.

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